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Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy

    This privacy policy governs how Sunshine Roofing Pvt. Ltd collect, use, store and disclose the information collected about the users of our website

    Personal identification information:

    We may collect personally identifiable information from users in a variety of ways when they visit our site, subscribe to the newsletter, fill out a form, and relate to other activities, services, features, or resources that we have made available on our site. Users may be asked to enter their name, e-mail address, phone number, city, and so on. However, users may visit our site anonymously and refuse to provide personally identifiable information, except that this may prevent them from participating in certain activities related to the Site.

    Non-personal Identification Information:

    We may collect non-personally identifiable information from users each time they visit our site. Non-personal credentials may include the browser name, computer type and technical information about users, the type of connection to our site such as the operating system and the Internet service providers being used as well as other similar information.

    Web Browser Cookies:

    Our site may Use “cookies” to enhance the user experience. The user’s web browser places cookies on his hard drive for archiving, and sometimes tracking information about them. The user can choose to configure his web browser to refuse cookies or to alert users when cookies are sent. If they do, note that some parts of the site may not work properly. This is standard usage procedure used on the Internet.

    How We Use Collected Information:

    Sunshine Roofing Pvt. Ltd may collect and use the user’s personal information for the following purposes:

    To improve customer service:

    The information provided by users helps us to respond more effectively to customer service requests and support needs.

    Customize the user experience:

    We may use the aggregated information to understand how our users as a group use the services and resources provided on our site.

    Improve our site:

    We may use the feedback provided by users to improve our products and services.

    To organize a promotion, contest, survey or other feature of the site. To Send the user information they have agreed to receive on topics of interest to them.

    To send periodic emails.

    We may use the email address to respond to inquiries, questions and / or other requests from the user. If the user chooses to be a part of our mailing list, they will receive emails about company news, updates, product or service information and more. If the user at any time wishes to unsubscribe, he can do this by contacting us via our website.

    How we protect user information: We adopt appropriate practices for collecting, storing and processing data, as well as security measures to prevent unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or destruction of the user’s personal information and stored data. As for data security, its effectiveness is limited, and we compensate us in case of attack difficult to defend. We will also do our best to recover all lost data based on available resources.

    Sharing personal information of Users:

    We do not sell, trade, or rent User’s personal identification information. We may share the information provided by our affiliates.

    Changes to this Privacy Policy:

    Sunshine Roofing Pvt. Ltd will update this privacy policy in its sole discretion. Users are encouraged to check this page for any changes to the privacy policy and to stay informed about how we protect users’ personal information. The user acknowledges and hereby agrees that it is his responsibility to periodically review this Privacy Policy and to be aware of the changes. Your acceptance of these terms indicate that they accept this policy, as it may be modified from time to time. Users are advised not to access this site if they do not agree to our privacy policy. The privacy policy also applies to information and data collected by our call centers. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at the following address: Sunshine Roofing Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad

    Terms and Conditions

    All information displayed, transmitted or carried on this site (including, but not limited to, directories, guides, articles, opinions, reviews, text, photographs, images, illustrations, profiles, audio clip, video clips, trademarks, logos, etc.) is protected by and in the name of Sunshine Roofing Pvt. Ltd and under various other intellectual property laws in the territory of India.

    If anyone contravenes the privacy policy intentionally will be dealt with as per laws as applicable in India.